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Pictures as Portals


In this living body of work, professional clairvoyant Caroline Diana Bobart masterfully illustrates how identifying the IMAGE at the heart of your biggest struggle sets you up as an entrepreneur for infinitely greater freedom and success, more quickly, and with more ease than you probably ever imagined was possible before.

Hear the true stories of three entrepreneurs and what happened for them as their images were revealed...

“The power of a spot-on visual is deeply transformative.  It sounds so simple reading it back but the results were you can imagine, my income has soared.”

“I came home to myself at a much deeper level and started writing my first book which was something I had been thinking about for years.  I generated a much greater income (in my first quarter I generated the same in sales as I’d done the whole previous year) and started birthing a whole new body of work to help other coaches, healers and energy workers.”

This is no ordinary ebook. These stories and their images will bring you as close as it is possible to get to the multi-sensory experience that occurs as an individual comes face to face with the truth underlying their long-standing struggle and are forever changed.

As you take in this rare opportunity to view the very origin of human transformation and growth and reflect on the inner struggle you have been circling, consider…

What might become possible in your business and life if you had your image, that unwound the very root of your longtime challenge right now?

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